Hello Hello!
Today the new website for TBWA & BBDO has been launched!
This past summer I've been doing a 3 months internship at TBWA & BBDO, as part of the BA program in Communication Design & Media, at KEA, program that I started a little more than a year ago.
Part of this BA program, I had to follow an internship in order to complete my studies. During the second semester, as a case for the 5th module, I worked with the advertising agency TBWA & BBDO, having the chance to explore and work with their methodology called Disruption®. This process enfolded in interesting ways, giving a systematic frame of solving a creative problem, and it arose the interest for me to explore it more, in the context of the workplace internship. Therefore, after presenting my interest, learning objectives and what I can contribute with in the various daily tasks, I received a place in the TBWA & BBDO team.
TBWA & BBDO is a creative agency, the result of the merge between TBWA and BBDO (2013). The agency is located in Copenhagen, and it is a 17 employees office, part of the global TBWA network, with offices in 100 countries around the globe. TBWA & BBDO believe that “if everyone is doing the same thing, it is a really good idea to do something different”. Their vision is to disrupt the marketplace, their mission is to grow with culture and industry shifts to ensure that their clients remain relevant. The philosophy that differentiates them is their process of challenging conventional wisdom and overturning assumptions, this process being defined as Disruption®. The agency’s current client portfolio includes Mercedes-Benz (Danmark, CPH, Sweden), Ejner Hessel, Starmark, Vichy, Arla and ENIITO.
The digital presence of TBWA & BBDO lives on various platforms, the website being the central turning point for external contact, where people look them up and gain their impression of who they are, their references, what they stand for and how they work, the various cases they work with, and gain an insight into the services and products they deliver for their clients.
Internship tasks
TBWA & BBDO were interested in receiving an update of their on-line presence, in order to get aligned with their international network, in terms of visual identity and tone of voice. They wanted to receive a “face-lift“ across all of their profiles (external and internal) that will change the perception of the agency from traditional, heavy and slow, to modern, engaged and dynamic.
During the redesign process, my role was shaped as a mix between digital / graphic designer and project manager. This implied the collaboration with the TBWA & BBDO employees, where I needed their participation in updating the client cases, and also sending their personal information for the About us page.
My role in this strategy was to decipher who TBWA is as an international network, and how TBWA & BBDO can align with their vision and mission. Through research and using the Disruption roadmap, I identified the Convention, defined the Vision and started the process of solving the tasks. This stage is the Disruption phase, and is comprised of collaborative efforts in order to shape and define the identity of the TBWA & BBDO. By the end of my internship period I managed to deliver the updated website using the Spotlites CMS system, platform that will be replaced in the near future with a new CMS system, called Craft CMS, a staging and production version of the site from the TBWA\DAN Worldwide team, hosted on the Worldwide AWS servers.
The look and feel of the website is now closer to the international identity, the cases are updated to the most relevant and current clients, the tone of voice and communication messaging is aligned with their vision, and the About us section is revealing more about the Copenhagen office, standing out as an approachable and enthusiastic team of talented and resourceful advertisers.
tbwa.dk - Our People page
Check out their new website, explore their work and methodology, and drop a line if you are interested in working with them.