ARTXP experience

It is an incredible journey and it’s amazing to be able to contract artists, work with local venues as well as making art accessible to everyone and providing inspiration and creativity for people. Art is for everyone and should be celebrated and enjoyed all year round.
— Naamah Bierlich - Founder of ARTXP

ARTXP - Bringing people together through ART

I am very glad to be part of the ARTXP family and have this opportunity to share my passion for drawing, and to come together in a special setup, where drinking, socialising and making art are combined in a very fun and harmonious way.

ARTXP is an events company based in Copenhagen bringing people together while experiencing new forms of art and spirits. Our rapidly growing and increasingly loyal customer base comes to our events to explore something new, ready to socialize and create fun memories and art work that they take home at the end of the night, that we helped them create.

I have been guiding the Figure Drawing events, doing from bachelor and bachelorette parties, to Julefrokost in private houses, teambuildings in the companies’ offices, and the regular monthly event in various locations in Copenhagen. Every event has been different, but all of them were fun, and people got engaged in attentively observing and (more often than not, skilfully) drawing while sipping from their delicious drinks.

Everybody can draw, and I am a witness to that. I have heard it so many times “I am so bad at drawing!” and most of the time it’s just a lie that people tell to themselves. Everybody can draw and create something that shows that they have paid attention to what they are looking at, and I can see that at every ARTXP event I teach at. With certain guidelines and methods, the participants went from “I am so bad at drawing“, or “I can’t draw”, to “This is cool” and “Wow, I can actually draw“. Drawing has to do a lot with seeing and touching. The hand holding and moving the pencil on paper is just a device in service of your eyes. And regardless of the result, the focus and the concentration of doing something new (or maybe not that new, but something that you haven’t done since kindergarten most probably) is an excellent way of engaging your brain, enabling the ability to think in a different manner, encouraging open-ended thought and creativity. In addition to creativity, there are cognitive and cerebral benefits to drawing. We use our brains when we draw, and this not only releases endorphins, but helps build new connections and pathways. When drawing, we actively use both sides of our brain, the right for creativity, and the left for logical thinking. This strengthens both and helps develop the ability to focus and think strategically.

Photo by Artnsips

Photo by ARTXP

I encourage all of you start drawing and make it a practice whenever you have the chance and the inspiration. Also, I would encourage all of you to join me in the ARTXP events, have a drink with old and new friends in a fun and brain-engaging way, and let the artist in you shine for a couple of hours.

I hope to see you soon!

Andreea 👩🏻‍🎨